The Cape Eleuthera Institute is a facility that promotes a connection between people and the environment.
Our holistic approach to island ecosystems, philosophy of collaboration and relationship building, and intrinsic bond between primary research and education helps to create models of effective resource management and sustainable development. In turn, these model systems help to enhance conservation initiatives and economic prosperity at local, regional, and global scales. With a diverse array of virtually unexplored environments at our doorstep, the Cape Eleuthera Institute acts as a hub for exploration, primary research, and information exchange. Regardless of your age, the Cape Eleuthera Institute is a place to learn, to teach, and to experience.

CEI’s scope of work includes:
- performing research and collaborating with outside scientists/organizations in areas related to tropical ecology and sustainability
- hosting visiting educational programs/field courses for students in primary through graduate school
- modeling green technologies that promote self-sufficiency
- building local capacity through education and training programs and by hosting conferences
- delivering The Island School semester’s research program
Our location gives immediate access to flats, patch reefs, unique landmarks, the Bahama Bank, and Atlantic Ocean. CEI facilities were built using sustainable design concepts; the built space is an educational tool in itself and fosters innovation. As one of the most eco-friendly campuses in the world, CEI is contributing to the national dialogue and policy-making efforts to encourage more sustainable development in The Bahamas and similar coastal communities around the world.