In November, Kristal Ambrose, working for the Center for Sustainable Development, and CEI’s outdoor educator Tiffany Gray, made the trip down island to visit Ms. Thompson’s grade 12 geography class at Spanish Wells All Age School. Students were completing a comparative reef study for their BGCSE course work, a national exam required for graduation. The students surveyed two reefs and made comparisons based on the diversity of indicator fish species, algae and coral competition, surrounding habitat, and coral disease.
It was a picturesque day on the water with sunny skies and flat seas. A picnic lunch on the beach made for a nice end to the coral reef field work in Spanish Wells. Students are excited for a trip to visit the Cape Eleuthera Island School come spring time, and to continue learning about marine research with the staff of CEI. Outreach events like this are adding to the theme of local outreach that educators at CEI, especially Tiffany, are starting to emphasize.