Things are heating up here at CEI! Students are on campus, summer is on the way, and the adventures are everywhere. The Educational Programs team wrapped up the month of February with a returning group from Muncton High School in Canada. The blog for this group was written by student Jana Giles.
On our first day we all safely arrived at the Cape Eleuthera Institute. The view of the islands and ocean from the plane was absolutely incredible–the water was completely turquoise! Before even unpacking, we were already on the beach, and we finally enjoyed an amazing supper after a long day!
From that point on, our trip was jam-packed, fun-filled, absolutely amazing! Some highlights…
- Our first real snorkel at Fourth Hole, where we saw a GIANT stingray;
- Morning exercise, from soccer to run swims and everything in between;
- SCUBA diving at Tunnel Rock & Something to Sea;
- A night snorkel, where we saw 2 octopi, flounder, eels, and so much more;
- Researching, especially our field days focused on conch, turtles, sharks, and lionfish;
- Our morning adventure to the sandbar;
- Finding the MEDUSA, an underwater ROV that explores the Exuma Sound with the Deep Water Team at CEI;
- Our Down Island Trip, where we went spelunking, snorkeling, camping, adventuring, and so much more!
We had an incredible time with the Muncton HS students, and hope to see much more of this group in the future!