CEI Director Aaron Shultz and Flats Ecology and Conservation Program Manager Zach Zuckerman attended the 5th International Bonefish and Tarpon Trust (BTT) Symposium on Nov. 7th – 8th at the International Game Fish Association Hall of Fame and Museum in Florida. Zuckerman presented findings on movement and growth of bonefish in South Eleuthera, and how development and anthropogenic land use change have resulted in bonefish habitat loss. Shultz moderated a discussion on bonefish management and coastal protection as part of The Bahamas Initiative‘s bonefish management workshop. Workshop attendees included Eric Carey and Vanessa Haley-Benjamin of The Bahamas National Trust, as well as guides, BTT scientists, and conservation-minded anglers.

Also presenting at the Symposium were CEI collaborators Steve Cooke with several grad students (Carleton University, Canada), Fisheries Conservation Foundation (FCF) board member John Tiedemann and Pedram Daneshgar (Monmouth University), Justin Lewis (BTT), Andy Danylchuck and Chris Haak (FCF & U Mass Amhurst), Karen Murchie (College of The Bahamas), Jason Franklin (H2O Bonefishing), and Liz Wallace (University of Minnesota).