All posts by ceiblogger

Need Support for November Shark Expedition!

Attention alumni! Edd Brooks, shark project manager, is in need of some support on his upcoming shark expedition and is looking to The Island School alumni network for help. November 6-18, Edd and his team will be in Little San Salvador to recreate shark surveys that were conducted in the late 1970s. Their goal is to identify any shifts in the diversity and abundance of sharks in the last 30 years. If you are interested in applying to join this expedition or have any other questions, please contact Edd at by October 14th. Continue reading

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Carlton University Field Course Videos

Every winter for the past few years, the Cape Eleuthera Institute has hosted biologist Nigel Waltho and a group of students from Carlton University in Ottawa, Ontario for a two-week dive-intensive field course. During their stay, the students develop individual projects on coral disease, reef health, fish communities, etc. At the conclusion of the course, they must put prepare and present a final report. Nigel has recently uploaded a number of videos from their time in Eleuthera. Check out all their videos here!

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