Here is a brief background on our new Shark Research Associate, Dr. Owen R. O’Shea:
I am a marine ecologist with a background in coral reef ecology and elasmobranch biology. I completed my PhD with Murdoch University and The Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) in 2012 where I worked on tropical dasyatids from Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia. My research so far has highlighted critical ecological functions of sharks and rays within tropical marine ecosystems, including tidal periodicity of manta rays and sharks to oceanic cleaning stations, biophysical processes at inshore reefs by stingrays as well as assessing the spatial ecology of coral reef associated elasmobranch species. My research ambitions align well with the Shark Research and Conservation Program at CEI and I am looking forward to helping out with existing projects as well as developing further research programs, relevant for elasmobranchs in this region.