This is the 4th year that CEI has been collaborating with Newcastle University, United Kingdom, in offering research placements for their marine biology undergraduate students. Over the years student numbers have been increasing and this year we have 10 students enrolled in an 8 week session that provides an opportunity for them to each get hands on field and lab experience as well as collect data that they will go on to analyze. This fall they will write up a dissertation that contributes to their final university degree. This placement program has also expanded to more universities and this summer we welcomed a student from Reading University, UK, and Green Mountain College in Vermont as well as Master’s students. The ten students this summer are working on a range of studies withing our shark, coral, flats and sea turtle research programs and here is some information from three of the participants about their projects:
“Hi, I’m Jordan Atherton from Newcastle University, England, conducting research here at CEI for my final year thesis project. I’m looking at how the fish assemblages on the coral reef here are affected by different habitat complexities by method of underwater visual census, so plenty of diving!” “My name is Ashley Bairos and I am conducting field research towards an M.Sc. degree from Green Mountain College in Vermont. Ultimately the goal is to measure habitat suitability across various intertidal creek areas around Cape Eleuthera for the purpose of applying effective conservation strategies for green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas). By measuring benthic coverage, predation pressures, habitat structure, and various abiotic factors including water depth and substrate type, I hope to quantify the value of foraging habitats for green sea turtles.”
“My name is Izzy Lake and I am a marine biology student currently studying at Newcastle University, England. I’m here over the summer to work as part of the Sea Turtle Research Team at the Cape Eleuthera Institute. While I am here I will be conducting my undergraduate research project on understanding the environmental variables that could affect green sea turtle abundance. My field work involves conducting benthic mapping transects in local tidal creeks as well as monitoring sea turtle abundance.” We’re looking forward to the results of their work. Any enquiries about this program should be directed to