This past weekend, the CEI and Island School campus had many visitors eager to hear about CEI research- Island School parents! Parents attended presentations given by IS students on current research projects that the students have been working on since they arrived in March. Research presentations discussed during the event included:
- The abundance and distribution of sea turtles in Half Sound
- Effects of longline capture on shark physiology
- Competitive interactions between lobsters and lionfish
- Identifying ideal nursery habitat for juvenile queen conch
- Effects of climate change on bonefish and other mangrove species
- The relationship between herbivore abundance on patch reefs and proximity to mangroves
- Assessing settlement of post-larval lionfish

Each presentation was followed by a question and answer session, where students demonstrated their extensive knowledge on the background and applications of their study. Parents also got the opportunity to learn about all of the research happening at CEI, and to meet with research advisors.